Friday, 2 September 2016



Every curve in the water slithers and slides under the rocks like an eel. Second by second, the crawling black socks surrounding my ankles grow larger. Soon they are tainted with red from the blood that the sandflies have sucked out of me. There is whole army of them, and the fact they are eating me alive hurts, but my imagination hurts me more. I can see myself being bitten by the eel that lives in the water. Suddenly it seems much bigger than before, and it drags me down, down to the algae at the bottom of the river. The silent algae caresses me softly with its slimy fingers, pulling me into underwater hell. I shake myself awake to find that my face is wet. The socks have now climbed to almost my knees and the pain is unbearable. My legs are beginning to go numb with cold and my teeth are rattling machines. Taking a deep breath, I make the decision. I could go home feeling like a sucker, and a loser or I could just……...JUMP!
