Tuesday 28 November 2017

Art Award

These are some of the art things I create around home. I have published them on my blog in hope for getting the HNI art award at the end of 2017.

Monday 30 October 2017

A Picture And a Paragraph

The building sat on the rocks; a large, dilapidated box by the sea. As I moved closer in search of shelter I could see it was a mansion. Or at least it had been. Now the bottom was rotted out, the bricks faded and rusted metal littered the surrounding rocks. The bridge of the roof was cluttered by flapping, squawking seagulls. The whole place reeked of them. Even so, if would have to do. I was far from home, lost, half-starved. I needed shelter, even if it meant a stinking, broken shack, slowly drowning in the sea.

you can interpret this short, simple piece in any way you like...

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Sunsets on Mokotahi Hill

Sunsets on Mokotahi Hill

Heart pumping in head as the climb gets steep; clambering up on hands and feet. The air is hot, buzzing with cicadas but my ears are numb with the outer silence. Standing in corn-yellow grass, arms intertwined across my chest. It’s not over yet. Soil steps, worn by the many feet and paws that have created this track. The sun is falling slowly but I’m not going back. I’ll stay here sitting in the grass all evening; alone with the cicadas and crickets. A breezy companion tugs at my hair. We sit and watch the sun together, melting into the sea, dying it rays of coloured reflection. Giving way to night.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Art Pics

Here are some of the artworks I have done this year:

Cat and butterfly print from printmaking elective 

Chinese ink blowing art (thank you card for my mandarin teacher)
Blue Butterfly Picture for my Turangawaewae Term 1 homework project

Dotterel Picture for my Turangawaewae Term 1 homework project

Front cover page of Turangawaewae Project

Mangrove Picture for my Turangawaewae Term 1 homework project

A tui painting for my great aunt

Calling All Artists Competition

HNI is holding a school art and drawing competition open for year 7s and 8s. As part of this students have to photograph school-related art and post it on their blogs. This competition is right up my alley so I'm going to post a whole lot of works of art that I have done this year. Hope you enjoy it!